Thursday, December 28, 2006

Lots of fun stuff happening at Aunt Anne's.

Uncle Terry and Aunt Mary Kate were happy because it was almost Christmas!

People were chatting it up in the kitchen.

Auntie Anne is always so nice to me. She's very warm and cuddly.

Mikaela and I switched Mommies for this picture.

The Christmas tree was enourmous and had lots of cool lights.

As always, Shane was really cool. Here he is, holding his little baby sister.

My Mommy always likes to spend time with her sister Anne and her family....especially at Christmas time.

Uncle James is a big guy. He's a lot of fun to hang out with.

Cousin Jimmy is pretty cool. And he's strong.

Daddy was happy to hand me off to people now and then.

Of course, during all the fun, I got hungry. So Uncle Mike hooked me up with some dinner.

At some point in the night, Cousin Sean got airborne.

Auntie Mary Kate and Daddy had some fun with Mikaela.

Uncle Mike had his hands full.

Then it was time to go. We went back over the bridge and through the woods to Gramdma's house.

It was dark but I felt safe, slung over my Daddy's shoulder.

Back at Grandma's, I got ready to go to sleep.
That was the Best Christmas Eve EVER! I can't wait for tomorrow.
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